LNCT Video Feature: Immunization Financing Impact of COVID-19 on LNCT Countries


Hearing about some of the global and regional LNCT country trends in financing COVID-19 vaccine introduction and routine immunization during COVID vaccine introduction.


Discover some of the promising practices, tools, and resources that other LNCT countries are using to address key financing challenges during COVID-19 vaccine introduction.


The LNCT Network Coordination team sat down to discuss the immunization financing impact of COVID on LNCT countries.  The goals of this discussion were to:

  • Summarize global and regional LNCT country trends in financing COVID vaccine introduction and RI during COVID vaccine introduction.
  • Identify key financing challenges for LNCT member countries for COVID vaccine introduction and routine immunization during COVID vaccine introduction based on LNCT network-wide survey results and key informant interviews in three LNCT countries.
  • Identify helpful resources and promising practices to address key challenges.
Listen to the full conversation between LNCT Network Coordinators and regional partners from Curatio International Foundation and the Institute for Health Policy.
Clip: How confident do countries (Georgia, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka) feel in their ability to finance both COVID vaccine introduction and routine immunization over the next few years?
Clip: How did pre-existing conditions in the countries help them respond effectively to the pandemic? Drawing on these lessons, what are some concrete steps that countries could take to help them prepare to mobilize for the next emergency?
Clip: What are some of the long-term fiscal impacts that Ministries of Health can expect to see because of COVID? To what extent do you feel countries are adequately planning for these long-term issues?
Clip: What are some other ways that countries are using to leverage COVID response for routine immunization and health system strengthening? What steps can countries take to ensure some long-term positive impacts come from this crisis?

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